U12s back Super Saints


Saturday saw the BSYFC 2012 team venture out on a team minibus to watch St Johnstone vs Hibernian at McDiarmid Park. 

Despite Saints trailing 2-0 at half time, our team didn't let that stop their fun! Getting their tickets, scarves and any other item of clothing signed by Saints striker Stevie May and goalkeeper Dimitar Mitov. The kids were buzzing !

The team (apart from lone Hibee Dougie) had to wait a while to finally get to celebrate a Saintees' goal in the 89th minute. 

Some great coaching points taken by the players on passing, control, formation and making them aware of space on the pitch. It will be a big change for them moving to 11 aside in the coming months.

A Great day out had by all the players and coaches. A special thanks to Graeme, for his organisational skills and the minibus driving ! 

Fantastic for the Club to have so many volunteers across all age groups that make days like these possible, outwith the training and matches! 

Many thanks to St. Johnstone Football Club and Saints in the Community for arranging the match day tickets. 


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